Needing some inspiration to reuse your packaging this Christmas? Let us inspire you!
So, you’ve done a little too much online shopping in preparation for Christmas and now you’re left with a crazy amount of packaging? You’re not alone. Shoppers accumulate an extra 25 million tonnes of packaging waste between Black Friday and Boxing Day. That’s an additional 25% being added to landfills in the space of a few weeks. If every household wrapped just 3 presents in re-used materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football ovals. Needing some inspiration to reuse your packaging this Christmas? Let us inspire you!
Christmas Tree Decorations
Get your Christmas crafting on! Instead of buying decorations to hang on your Christmas tree, why not take the time to make your own? Turn it into a fun family activity with the kids or a relaxing afternoon while enjoying the sun outdoors.

Wrapping Paper
There are endless ways to create the most unique looking gift this Christmas. Simply use bubble wrap or shiny thermal material! Bubble wrap not only protects your gift but also provides great enjoyment when popping the bubbles after opening! Alternatively, re-use the thermal liner from your food delivery for an eye-catching gift that also helps regulate temperature, great for chocolates!

Air Pillow Christmas Tree
Believe it or not, air pillows have some great uses other than eliminating space and protecting goods during transit. They are awesome for storing small items such as screws, hairpins or coins, just roll them down and seal with a rubber band. Why not take it to the next level like we did and create an air pillow Christmas tree?

Keep it Cool
If you’re using a meal delivery service, chances are you may already have a collection of gel packs. They do an excellent job of chilling your goods over the busy Christmas day. Re-use by serving under your fresh seafood or keep your nibbles and drinks cold in your cooler bag. Remember they are stone cold chillers, not rubbish bin fillers!

We always recommend to reduce and re-use. However, if there comes a time where you have exhausted the use of your packaging materials, please dispose of them responsibly. Post-consumer recycling program REDcycle accepts a wide range of packaging materials which are then repurposed into products such as park benches and fences. Learn more about what to REDcycle here.
Sancell’s Cold Chain, Armour and Bubble Wrap range are all approved for recycle through the REDcycle program.